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Copper valley Junior Academy   February

Posted 11/03/2025
by Jane Cansdale


This term, we are paying particular attention to different life cycles and engaging in the theme 'minibeasts'. 

Our literacy is based around the author Eric Carle. We are having great fun with his books, engaging us in our topic in literacy, science, DT and art. 

We are excited to have our caterpillars, which we hope will transform into beautiful butterflies. We have been on a minibeast hunt, and although we did not find any caterpillars outside, we found worms, centipedes, spiders, woodlice and beetles. 

Our Design Technology, this term is also all about minibeasts. We are busy trying new techniques using levers and pivots so that we can then design and make our own minibeast moving picture.

Finally, we are going to be visiting a farm to continue investigating lifecycles. We are hoping to see some lambs and maybe baby chicks. 


St Cleer Primary Academy   World Book Day 2025

Posted 10/03/2025
by Michele Spencer

“Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.” Neil Gaiman, Coraline

Thank you for filling our World book Day 2025 with imagination and colour.


St Cleer Primary Academy   Week 2!

Posted 10/03/2025
by Rebecca Whitty

A very busy week two!

What a week it has been at school! From celebrating St. Piran’s Day to enjoying the sunshine in our outdoor area, there has been so much to look forward to.

We kicked off the week by celebrating St. Piran’s Day, a special day for Cornwall! Our school was filled with excitement as we all came together in the morning to sing traditional Cornish songs on the playground.
The fun didn’t stop there! In the morning, we got our hands dirty making Cornish pasties. With the help of our teachers and the very kind Will from Ginsters, we mixed, folded and crimped our yummy pasties. 

Thursday was another highlight with World Book Day! The school was buzzing with excitement as everyone arrived dressed as their favorite book characters. From Mog to Matilda, we had a range of creative costumes. It was amazing to see so many of our friends dressed up as characters from the books we love.

As if the week wasn’t already packed with fun, we were lucky enough to have some beautiful sunshine to enjoy! Our outdoor area was the perfect place to play and soak up the sun. We spent time running, playing games, and just enjoying the fresh air. It was so nice to take a break from the classroom and play outside, especially after all the busy events of the week.

In phonics we learnt the sound 'a' a a apple!
In maths we are looking at representing number 1-5 can you count 4 objects and then find the number 4? have a go at home and let us know. 

Come back next week to see what else we get up to. We have special visitors coming in to see us!

Miss Whitty, Miss Ronald and Mrs Evans. 


Polperro Primary Academy   7th March 2025

Posted 09/03/2025
by Anthea Hillman

Thank you so much for sending your children in on World Book Day in their amazing costumes. Entries to our Extreme Reading competition were brilliant – Thank you for sending them in. Rev Richard judged the entries after our St Piran’s Day assembly on Tuesday (there were so many to consider!). Well done to the class winners (Henry, Flora, Nevaeh, Max and Felix) and to Everly, the overall winner. Winners will each receive a book (kindly funded by FOPS). Our book sale raised over £40.00, which school will spend on books for guided reading.

FOPS Quiz FOPS raised over £500 at their quiz night last Friday. Thank you to those who organised an enjoyable evening and to those of you who attended. We have other fundraisers in the pipeline including Easter Discos for the children on Thursday 3rd April. More details to follow.

Comic Relief This year Red Nose Day is on Friday, 21st March. The School Council would like the children to come to school in MUFTI (bright colours/funky clothes!) with a minimum donation of £1 for this MUFTI day. We will be selling Red noses for £2 during the week commencing 17th March.

Parent/Carer Consultations T
hank you for attending this week’s parent/carer consultations. We are so pleased that everyone has arranged an appointment. Your involvement and support play a crucial role in helping your child succeed, and we truly appreciate your partnership in their learning journey at our school.

Orwell Project
We had a visit this week from Jay Gates, from Bodmin Airfield who spoke to the children in Talland and Chaipel Classes not only about the planes at the Airfield, but also about the wildflower meadow there which has County Wildlife Status and is home to rare orchids and other wildlife. Later in the year, the school will be working with the airfield to rewild some of the school grounds using seeds from the Bodmin Wildlife Meadow.

Wild Wellbeing Sessions
The Mental Health Support Team (MHST), along with Natural England and Cornwall Wildlife Trust, are running several Wild Wellbeing sessions over the Easter break. These are nature-based, creative, practical workshops where pupils learn about the Five Ways to Wellbeing: Give, Connect, Take Notice, Be Active and Keep Learning. Details are included in the attached poster.

Have a good weekend.

Mrs Hillman


Looe Primary Academy  

Posted 08/03/2025
by Rebecca Marshall

Saint Piran's Day and World Book Day at Looe Primary Academy

It has been a fantastic week at Looe Primary Academy and we have enjoyed celebrating Saint Piran's Day and World World Book Day. On Wednesday 5th March, we joined together as a school community to celebrate our special Cornish Saint.  In the morning we were joined by Mrs Butlin and we had a wonderful singing assembly that included many of our favourite Cornish sea shanties and our Cornish anthem Trelawny. Thank you to all of our families for joining your children for an afternoon of craft. Gool Peran Lowen to all!

On Thursday 6th March we then celebrated World Book Day. The children and staff came in dressed in a wide range of famous story book characters. Throughout the school day, the classes took part in a range of activities all designed to celebrate the wonderful world of reading. It was great to have the Scholastic Book Fair in our library for the week.  Hopefully, many exciting books were purchased by our families. The book fair is always a great way to raise money so that we can buy more reading books for our own school library. 


Looe Primary Academy  

Posted 08/03/2025
by Rebecca Marshall

Year 2 Swimming 

All of the children in Year 2 had a fabulous time swimming at Tenkreek. It was a brilliant start to the the second half of the Spring Term. The children really grew in confidence and it was wonderful to see how much their swimming developed across the week. 


Polperro Primary Academy   Friday 7th March 2025

Posted 07/03/2025
by Alice Wilkie

Can You Always See Things Grow?

What a week! This week we launched our enquiry for this half term, 'Can you always see things grow?' by setting up an investigation to grow beans in a bag. We plan to keep a weekly bean diary to document the changes our beans undergo over the next 5 weeks. In PE, we have been loving our Striking and Fielding unit with Mrs Phillips! 

On Thursday, we celebrated World Book Day across the school by dressing up as a book character of our choosing. We had a lovely time designing bookmarks, sketching Dr Seuss and Nathan Bryon book characters and reading stories. Year 3 joined Talland and Chaipel to participate in a Live BBC lesson on the day and Year 2 spent time with Penhallow sharing stories. We had a fabulous day! 

In English, we read the story of Jack and the Baked Beanstalk by Colin Stimpson. We made comparisons between this version and the original story, and have written some fantastic descriptions using our senses. We also began to plan our stories for our imaginary world stories, inspired by Jack and the Beanstalk.

This week in Maths, Year 2 have been refining their ability to multiply, using arrays to support our understanding of multiplication. Year 3 have continued working hard on length and perimeter, converting between measures. 

I have attached this half terms KIRFS, Knowledge Web and Homework Grid. Of course, let me know if you have any questions. 

We hope you have a lovely weekend and see you on Monday. 

Mrs Wilkie, Mrs Phillips, Miss Bowden and Miss Colton


Copper valley Junior Academy   Week ending 7th March 2025

Posted 07/03/2025
by Lynn Cox

A busy week at Copper Valley!

What an incredibly busy week it has been. On Thursday we celebrated World Book Day. It was so lovely to see so many children dressed up as characters from books. They enjoyed lots of stories being read to them during the day and loved discussing their favourite books.
Friday was a very special day as we held our first ever Career Fair at the Infant and Nursery school. Our Year 5 and Year 6 joined us for a day finding out about a range of jobs. The children found out, first hand, what it takes to become a vet, a health and safety consultant, a tanker delivery driver, a dog groomer, an engineer, a dog walker  and Taekwondo teachers. Evaluations from the children were overwhelmingly positive and the adults leading the sessions were very complimentary of the pupils.
I would like to send a massive thanks to the volunteers we gave up their day to lead the sessions, all the staff for supervising the groups and a special thanks to Mrs Wright who, with Mr Wright, ensured that the appropriate risk assessments were in place for the event. Mrs Wright also contacted the participants and organised the complex timetable.
We hope that this will be an annual event as it was so valuable to see our children inspired by the adults from the workplace.
We ended the day with some Cornish dancing and a beautiful dance solo by Ivy Symons from Year 6. 
Our enterprising pupils Bella, Harper, Georgia and Charlie made £55 selling drinks and cakes in aid of Gables animal shelter- thank you for supporting them and well done to you- what a lovely, thoughtful act.
I hope that you all have a lovely weekend. 


Blisland Primary Academy   World Book day fun..

Posted 07/03/2025
by Julie Pearce

 Storytellers had a blast celebrating World Book Day this year, and the theme was all about fun and imagination! The children came dressed in their comfiest pajamas, ready to curl up and immerse themselves in the world of stories. The highlight of the day was the reading of The Very Hungry Caterpillar, a classic favorite. The little ones were fascinated by the caterpillar’s journey as he munches through all kinds of food before transforming into a beautiful butterfly.


Adding to the excitement, the children explored their very own pot of baby caterpillars, closely observing them and talking about their growth and changes that might occur. It was a hands-on experience that brought the book to life, making it even more magical as they witnessed the caterpillars move around. 

To make the day even more special, the children were encouraged to bring their own favorite books from home, creating a wonderful, colorful library of stories. It was a heartwarming experience, seeing the young readers share their beloved books and embrace the joy of reading. At Storytellers Nursery, World Book Day wasn’t just about books; it was about sparking imagination, creativity, and a lifelong love of reading. What a wonderful way to celebrate the magic of stories!.


Copper Valley Infant and Nursery Academy   Week Ending 7th March

Posted 07/03/2025
by Lynn Cox

A busy week at Copper Valley!

What an incredibly busy week it has been. On Thursday we celebrated World Book Day. It was so lovely to see so many children dressed up as characters from books. They enjoyed lots of stories being read to them during the day and loved discussing their favourite books.
Friday was a very special day as we held our first ever Career Fair at the Infant and Nursery school. Our Year 5 and Year 6 joined us for a day finding out about a range of jobs. The children found out, first hand, what it takes to become a vet, a health and safety consultant, a tanker delivery driver, a dog groomer, an engineer, a dog walker  and Taekwondo teachers. Evaluations from the children were overwhelmingly positive and the adults leading the sessions were very complimentary of the pupils.
I would like to send a massive thanks to the volunteers we gave up their day to lead the sessions, all the staff for supervising the groups and a special thanks to Mrs Wright who, with Mr Wright, ensured that the appropriate risk assessments were in place for the event. Mrs Wright also contacted the participants and organised the complex timetable.
We hope that this will be an annual event as it was so valuable to see our children inspired by the adults from the workplace.
We ended the day with some Cornish dancing and a beautiful dance solo by Ivy Symons from Year 6. 
Our enterprising pupils Bella, Harper, Georgia and Charlie made £55 selling drinks and cakes in aid of Gables animal shelter- thank you for supporting them and well done to you- what a lovely, thoughtful act.
I hope that you all have a lovely weekend.


Polperro Primary Academy  

Posted 07/03/2025
by Emily Randle

Another week has flown by and Chaipel have been very busy.

We have been writing a setting description to set the mood for our Anne Boleyn diary writing next week. We have used a range of figurative devices as well as some colloquial language fit for a Queen! We also wrote up our cinquains which we will transfer to a poetry book for all to read.

In Maths, Y5s have been looking into equivalent fractions and decimals and the Y6s have been tackling percentages! We also did an arithmetic assessment and everyone has significantly improved their scores - WELL DONE CHAIPEL!

It was World Book Day on Thursday and we really made the most of it. We took part in a live lesson at 11am and a nationwide 60 second read. In the afternoon, we looked at the characters from a reknown author and one that was not as well-known as they should be. We all agreed that Nizrana Farook has made many children's stories that we are dying to read!

In PE, Chaipel have been brushing up their skills at Rounders, learning the language needed and practising their fielding techniques. In DT, we have investigated materials which make our clothing, together with the stitches, joins and the washing and drying instructions on the labels. In History, we have been looking into the social hierarchy and how 'God's will' determined your status in life. Next week, we will investigate the housing and diet differences between classes.

Sean will be begin our Wednesday afternoon Art from next week so we are very excited regarding what we will produce. 

CONGRATULATIONS to our People of the Week - Harrison, Martha and Phoebe - for demonstratiing our school values.

That's all from me so have a lovely weekend!

Miss Randle, Mrs Clary, Mrs Hodge and Miss Colton.


Polruan Primary Academy  

Posted 07/03/2025
by Jane Wills


It has been a eventful week with lots of extracurricular activities taking place. We had a lovely St Piran’s Day service at St Saviour’s with Reverend Richard telling the story of St Piran, the children singing Cornish inspired songs (and Mamma Mia!) and playing ukulele. We finished off with Cornish saffron buns provided by Richard – yum!
For Thursday’s World Book Day, the school was filled with excited character from a range of children’s books. This always makes for a special day, and we celebrated by watching Michael Rosen perform poetry and sharing stories.
Friday, our Year 4-6 girls went to Bodmin to represent the school in the ARENA Girls’ Football Tournament. They played well, managed to win a match and made us proud with their resilience and energy.
We now have stables full of hobby horses. As pat of the School Council’s work supplying new and different play equipment, the children have taken time this week to create their own personalised hobby horse/creature. There are some spectacular species, and these will bring a fun element to breaktimes.

Achievement Assembly
WRITER of the week
Indi for some super sentence work paying attention to detail with punctuation and letter formation.
Ailla for experimenting with new vocabulary and grammar to extend her sentences and elevate her writing.

STAR of the week
Leia for listening and following instructions with more care and attention
Robbie for showing bravery and trying new things with greater confidence


Polperro Primary Academy   Talland's Class Blog 7.3.25

Posted 07/03/2025
by Ben Heasman-Langley


We hope you have all had a brilliant week! We've had lots of fun here, especially with a special guest from Bodmin airfield coming in to talk to us about how it has the largest wild flower field in the UK, which is amazing for insects and bees. World book day was tremendous fun. The children looked absolute fabulous in their costumes! It was lovely for me to get to chat to so many parents and guardians about how great their children are... thank you so much for coming in for a chat!

Year 5 have just finished fractions and are now moving on to decimals and percentages.
Year 4 have been focusing on converting improper fractions into mixed number fractions.

We have jumped straight into diary entries and Talland have had fun by turning themselves into everyday classroom objects and writing a diary entry about their day. E.g. The day in the life of a bit of blue-tac. They will move this on to creating a diary entry about one of the soldiers from Harold Godwinson's army and how they felt whilst marching to face William, Duke of Normandy, and his huge army for one of the most famous British battles of all time... The Battle of Hastings. 1066 was the year and this was the year of the 3 Kings. The beginning of the Norman reign!

Children have been learning all about the battle of Hastings and the year of the 3 Kings. It's has been really interesting so far and we've only just scratched the surface!

We have looked at the lifecycle of a human and how our bodies change as we grow older. We spoke about what part of a humans lifecycle would you like to be stuck at (baby, toddler, teenager, adult or a senior). What part of the lifecycle would you prefer to be stuck at?

We had a great time during rounders where Talland were learning a variety of throwing and catching techniques and thinking about when you might use an under arm throw apposed to a shoulder throw.

A huge well done to Chilali for being noticed for her creativity this week. Her diary entry was so imaginative. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it! And a massive well done to our 99 club achievers: Tristan and Archie! 

That's all from us. We hope you have a fantastic weekend and can't wait to see you on Monday!

Signing off from Mr. Langley, Mr. Bishop and Miss. Colton.


Polruan Primary Academy  

Posted 07/03/2025
by Jane Wills


Week 2 of swimming and everyone is already making progress in terms of confidence and stroke technique. It is great to see independence growing and the pride and importance the children attach to making the most of their learning in the pool. It is particularly important for them to gain confidence around water as this supports their continued learning with watersports in summer term. Last year, we saw the children transfer their knowledge of water safety from the pool to the open water and I am certain this will be the same again this year.

On Friday, we had most of the class attending the Girls’ football tournament in Bodmin so the remainder of the class had the opportunity to start Science Week early and experiment with scientific processes. They made some fantastic colour patterns, made water travel and created an airshow with ping pong balls.

PE is swimming on Wednesday and OAA on Thursday.
We also have Tag Rugby at Looe on Wednesday afternoon.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mr Twaite and Mrs Wills


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy  

Posted 07/03/2025
by Joanne Pentreath

w/e 7.3.25

We have had another busy week!

English – Poems from the past - This week, we finished writing our Stone Age poems and turned to celebrating the end of WWII by writing VE80 poems for a local competition!

Maths – Year 4 have continued using Peri the snail to help them learn about perimeter and Year 3 have been continuing their work on multiplication and division.

History – When did the Romans come to Britain and why? We used our Historian skills to set up a timeline of events and discussed why the Romans came over to little ole Blighty!

RE – Cornish Folktales - This week, we learned the strange and interesting story of St Piran - it tied in brilliantly with it being St Pirans day and Talland class's assembly all about St Piran, too! We loved watching the Furry Dance!

Science - More Shadows! We had great fun creating shadow puppets, learning about how to change the shape and size of shadows.

Thank you for your continued support!


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy  

Posted 07/03/2025
by Sara McKillop

w/e 7.3.25

We have had another busy week!

English – Poems from the past - This week, we finished writing our Stone Age poems and turned to celebrating the end of WWII by writing VE80 poems for a local competition!

Maths – Year 4 have continued using Peri the snail to help them learn about perimeter and Year 3 have been continuing their work on multiplication and division.

History – When did the Romans come to Britain and why? We used our Historian skills to set up a timeline of events and discussed why the Romans came over to little ole Blighty!

RE – Cornish Folktales - This week, we learned the strange and interesting story of St Piran - it tied in brilliantly with it being St Pirans day and Talland class's assembly all about St Piran, too! We loved watching the Furry Dance!

Science - More Shadows! We had great fun creating shadow puppets, learning about how to change the shape and size of shadows.

Thank you for your continued support!


Looe Primary Academy  

Posted 07/03/2025
by Rebecca Hughes

Friday 7th March

What a busy week we have had in Foundation! So much learning and so much fun!

In English this week we have been writing captions to match pictures from Jack and the Beanstalk. The children have been making huge amounts of progress with their writing and it has been lovely to see them use their sound mats and phonics knowledge to write small words.

In math’s this week we have been exploring 9 and 10. We have looked at combining two groups to make 9 and 10 and how we can represent these numbers too.

In outdoor learning this week, we made the most wonderful dinosaur skeletons from twigs and sticks. We continued to work on our teamwork, and we were in pairs collecting the right size a sticks to make the pictures!

On Tuesday afternoon, we explored why some families celebrate Pancake Day / Shrove Tuesday. Janet explained to the class that she would be giving up chocolate for Lent. We then had so much fun making and eating pancakes in class! They were yummy!

On Wednesday it was St Piran’s Day. In the morning, we had a wonderful singing assembly as a school and the children sang Cornish songs and our favourite ‘Looe My Home’ which is an adaptation on ‘Cornwall My Home’. In the afternoon some parents were able to come to our Crafternoon and it was amazing. The adults and children made bunting, St Piran’s flags, collaged flags, crimped playdough pasties and made Cornish patterns! It was lovely!   

Thursday was World Book Day, the children looked amazing in their costumes. Our activities for the day were all based on a book. We explored: Room on the Broom, Tiddler, We’re Going on a Bear Hunt, Super Worm and The Rainbow Fish. Each table had the book and corresponding fun activities to go with it. The children made puppets, masks, fingerprinted, designed book covers and drew their favourite characters!

It’s been a super busy week but super amazing too!

Have a wonderful weekend

The Foundation Team



Pelynt Primary Academy   Week Ending Friday 7th March 2025

Posted 07/03/2025
by Joanna Rickard

The busiest of weeks there ever was! 

Wow! We have covered a lot this week, with us enjoying pancakes on Shrove Tuesday, St Piran’s Day celebrations and a service at Church on Wednesday, then World Book Day and dressing up on Thursday.  Also throwing in some traditional tales with our story of the week ‘The Princess and the Pea’. I really don’t think we could have fit any more in! 

It has been an exciting week of learning and activities for all the children to enjoy whatever day/s they have been in pre-school. 

A favourite activity this week has been creating their own Prince and Princess portraits, adorned with jewel encrusted gold crowns! We will be sure to share a picture when they are all on display.  We think they look fabulous! 

One display that has been finished is our Elmer the Elephant – Beautifully showing off all the painted patchwork squares the children painted.  It has been a great topic of conversation sat around the snack/lunch table to talk colours and what we can mix to make other colours.  

Outside we have been able to enjoy some garden time, and we spotted our first daffodil has sprung!.  A lovely pop of yellow that led us to thinking about what seeds we may plant this year to enjoy nurturing and growing.  

Since returning after half term, we have been focusing on number sequencing and recognition. Identifying numbers by the way they look, their names, and matching them to their representative quantities.  The children are all accessing this learning through play, adult led activities and number related books and songs.  

We hope everyone enjoys the weekend and we look forward to seeing everyone next week. 

The Pre-School Team. 


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   St Piran's Day, World Book Day and a week of incredible learning opportunities!

Posted 07/03/2025
by Darren Woolner

What an incredible week it has been at Team Brunel! The week has been filled with so many wonderful learning opportunities and successes for our children. Please sit back, relax and enjoy this week's edition of The Brunel Bulletin.


St Cleer Primary Academy   Spring 2 Week 2

Posted 07/03/2025
by Jacob Lewis


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