Posted 07/03/2025
by Laura Cole
On Friday a team of 8 girls from years 5 and 6
travelled to Bodmin Leisure Centre to take part in a girls football tournament.
They all played incredibly well winning 4 games out of 7. Well done Team Duloe!
Posted 07/03/2025
by Ruth Smith
We have had a lot of celebrations this week: Pancake day, St Piran's Day and World Book Day, but our favourite is always Pancake day as we love to eat pancakes!
Ruth managed to toss them all carefully without dropping any and then we ate them for snack along with some fruit.
There was a choice of lemon and sugar, or syrup; which is your favourite?
Posted 07/03/2025
by Chris Wathern
What a full week we have had at school. We’ve celebrated St Piran’s Day by learning the story of St Piran and a whole school ‘Trelawny Shout’.
During the week, many of our children also took part in the Wadebridge Festival of Music and Speech. Well done to everyone who represented themselves and our school so well. The Festival Secretary commented: “We loved all the Wadebridge Primary Academy performances, both in the spoken English section and the choir classes.”
On Thursday, there was a buzz of reading across the whole school as we marked World Book Day. As well as the wonderful costumes, we had paired reading over a hot chocolate and biscuit; interviews with our Reading Ambassadors and of course the outcome of the best decorated classroom door. Congratulations to all the classes; the doors look amazing.Mrs Lucock had the difficult task of judging them:
1st Place: 3B - George's Marvellous Medicine
2nd Place: 1W - Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
3rd Place: 2W – “Slowly, Slowly, Slowly,” said the Sloth
To end the week, we welcomed family members in for Year 5’s scientific Stay and Learn. Thank you all for coming. We hope you enjoyed the experience.
Year Group Newsletters
To see what else has been happening in classes these last two weeks, please take a look at the Year Group Newsletters found on the class pages of our website.
Year 2 Assembly 09:00 Thursday 13th March
We look forward to seeing family members of Year 2 at their assembly next Thursday. Doors open from 08:30, with a start time of 09:00. To help the morning drop-off routine, any Year 2 families driving are encouraged to park in the staff car park (double parking is fine).
FOWPA Disco – Thursday 3rd April
Get your dancing shoes on; it's nearly time for our FOWPA Disco!
As well as having a fun time, the event will also raise money for FOWPA (Friends of Wadebridge Primary Academy). All money raised goes towards supporting various school projects, resources and experiences.
Please check your emails for further details and how to sign up.
House Points
Congratulations to this week’s winners, Swans. Swans have now taken the lead overall:
Swans – 6259
Choughs – 6251
Puffins – 5518
Cormorants – 5327
Have a wonderful weekend.
Posted 07/03/2025
by Sonia Norris
It's been a fantastic week this week with all children throwing themselves into their learning!
Class 1 made some delicious pancakes on Tuesday (I was lucky enough to be able to taste one) to celebrate Shrove Tuesday. The children learned about the Easter story and how it links with this time of year. Class 2 were incredibly fortunate to have a Q and A session with Professor David Sims and Dr Freya Wormersley from the Marine Biological Association. They are world-leading researchers in shark tagging and spoke to the class about their work linked with our enquiry. The children were fascinated and asked some amazing questions. Both experts were incredibly impressed by the children's passion.
The school was overtaken by witches, wizards, superheroes and book characters galore for World Book Day. Thank-you to all parents who were able to help with costumes for the day. I'm sure that the children will remember the day fondly. Remember, all children have taken a book token home which can be used to get a book from the £1 range of special books or, for £1 off a book of their choice.
Please can I remind you of the school uniform. We are seeing a few children coming in in non-uniform. Children can come into school in PE kits on Monday and Wild Tribe when it is their session. Our uniform can be found on the website. Cost of uniform is an issue, please contact the school and we can see how we can help.
Good luck to our Cross Country runners today in the Liskeard race.
Posted 07/03/2025
by Katie Grinsted
What an amazing day we had yesterday for world book day! The children of Tregantle took part in so many exciting activities all about books. We started the day with a costume parade around the classroom where everyone got to talk about the character that they had dressed up as. Shortly after, it was the story carousel - we all went off to different parts of the school to listen to different stories read by different teachers. There were plenty of activities in class to keep busy with too, including making a book, a character puzzle and story telling corner. After lunch there was much excitement for the legendary Brunel 'Character Quiz!' Each of the teachers were in role as the character that they had dressed up as and the children had to visit each character and question them to find out more about them. There was lots of fun and laughter! It's been such an eventful week in Tregantle; we all thoroughly enjoyed celebrating St Piran's day on Wednesday and watched a wonderful assembly led by Talland Class. We enjoyed making our own Cornish flags and learning more about the legend of St Piran.
Posted 07/03/2025
by Andrew Smith
This week at Blisland Primary School has been packed with excitement, celebration, and new challenges as pupils took part in three major events! From honouring Cornish heritage to celebrating books and mastering skateboarding skills, it has been a week to remember.
St Piran’s Day Parade
We kicked off the week with our annual St Piran’s Day parade, celebrating Cornwall’s rich history and culture. Pupils proudly walked through Bodmin town centre, waving Cornish flags and joining in the traditional festivities. The highlight was gathering together to sing the Trelawny Shout, filling the streets with the rousing anthem of Cornwall.
After the parade, we visited St Petrock’s Church, where pupils shared a beautifully read Cornish poem, celebrating the land and traditions of our county. Of course, no St Piran’s Day would be complete without a delicious Cornish pasty, which everyone enjoyed before heading back to school!
World Book Day Fun
Later in the week, we marked World Book Day with a fantastic array of costumes as pupils dressed up as their favourite book characters. The creativity on display was amazing! Some of our winners included Dr. Seuss characters, Dog Man, and Sherlock Holmes, each bringing their books to life with incredible attention to detail. Throughout the day, pupils enjoyed book-themed activities, shared their favourite stories, and celebrated the joy of reading.
Skateboarding Club – Week Two
Our after-school skateboarding club continued for its second session at TR7 Skatepark, and pupils took their skills to the next level! With growing confidence, they worked on dropping in off curbs and riding even higher up the ramps. It was fantastic to see their determination and enthusiasm, with coach Chaz once again providing expert guidance and encouragement.
A huge well done to all our pupils for their participation and effort this week—it has been a brilliant mix of culture, creativity, and adventure. We look forward to another great week ahead at Blisland Primary!
Posted 07/03/2025
by Laura Cole
On Thursday afternoon we hosted our
‘Duloe Speaks’ competition. 3 teams from our debating club presented 3 very
different arguments. ‘Music lessons should be free for all’, ‘Pluto’s status
should be changed back to a planet’ and ‘Solar is the most renewable energy
source in Cornwall’. We invited 3 guest judges, School Governor Penny Geach,
Duloe Parish Chairman Phil Hallworth and Cornwall Councillor Jane Pascoe. All
the teams presented their arguments incredibly well and it was a tough decision
to choose a winner. After a long deliberation by the judges team Eco Warriors
won by 1 point.
Posted 07/03/2025
by David Parry
During Talland's art session, the children used a space scene prompt to record their observations these included curved lines, pyramids, triangles, spheres and so on. From this, they used their observations to expand on the prompt with their own ideas and creations.
The children have furthered their knowledge and understanding of fractions and are now able to confidently multiply a fraction by a whole number, for instance:
With increased understanding of figurative language, the children have been able to create their own rhyming poems to describe Spring in Cornwall. Some of the phrases used by the children were effective and inspiring, for example:
- There were a million smiles.
- Golden yellow daffodils,
Sat on top of green hills....
Best wishes, Mrs Swabey, Mr Parry, Mrs Walters and Mrs Payne.
Posted 07/03/2025
by Jasmine Bolger
We’ve had a very busy week in Foundation / Year 1.
On Tuesday, it was Pancake Day! Foundation made pancakes in the afternoon and talked about the process of making them, and what toppings they would have.
On Wednesday, we celebrated St Piran’s Day. We learnt about the history of St Piran and what it means to be Cornish. We had a wonderful singing assembly where we sang Sea Shanties, and our favourite, Looe My Home. We then had our St Piran’s afternoon and did lots of activities like: crimping pasties out of playdough, making Cornish bunting, collaging Cornish flags and more. Thank you to those of you who came for our afternoon, it was lovely to see you and spend time celebrating Cornwall together.
On Thursday, it was World Book Day, one of Miss Bolger’s favourite days of the year! We dressed up as our favourite book characters and did lots of reading. We read The Tiger Who Came to Tea, The Smeds and the Smoos, The Gruffalo’s Child and more books! We also used our crafting skills to complete book-related activities. We made puppets, collaged Rainbow Fish, designed a cover and more. We had a really great day celebrating reading and it was lovely to talk about our favourite books as a class and get the children excited about reading!
What a great week.
Well done Foundation / Year 1 for being absolute super stars.
Foundation/ Year 1 Team
Posted 06/03/2025
by Helen Fitzsimmons
Hello Everyone!
Penhallow have had a very eventful week.
Tuesday was shrove Tuesday/pancake day, so we learnt about the origins of pancake day. We then made our own pancakes and enjoyed eating them with a selection of toppings. Year 1 wrote instructions for how to make pancakes, while Reception sequenced pictures of how they were made. In the afternoon, as you can see from the picture, we enjoyed some pancake races, which then turned into designing our own obstacle race/pancake races.
World Book Day on Thursday was was a lot of fun. We spent some time with Landaviddy choosing books and reading together. We also learnt about 2 different authors; David McKee and Neil Gaiman. Both authors have written stories about animals. We read the story of Elmer, by David McKee, and talked about how sometimes we try to be like everybody else, instead of being happy with our differences. In the story, Elmer tries to camouflage himself. We finished the day with some time in the school garden, where we tried to camouflage objects, so that our friends couldn't find them.
We hope you have a lovely weekend!
From the Penhallow Team
Posted 06/03/2025
by Carmel Alberts
This week has been filled with lots of exciting activities and learning experiences! We had a wonderful day celebrating World Book Day, where the children wore fantastic costumes and took part in a fun and lively catwalk. It was so wonderful to see the creativity and imagination that went into each outfit. The children also had the opportunity to design their own bookmarks, which they got to take home, and create a beautiful book cover, showcasing their artistic talents. To top it all off, we spent time sharing and enjoying lots of wonderful stories together, sparking plenty of discussions about our favourite books and characters.
In Maths, we continued to build on our subtraction skills. The children have been working hard to understand the concept of subtracting numbers.
In RE, we delved into the teachings of the Qu'ran. The children learned about its significance in Islam and how it guides the lives of Muslims around the world. They asked thoughtful questions and engaged in meaningful discussions about respect, faith, and understanding different cultures.
In English, we focused on describing Zahra using adjectives and expanded noun phrases. The children used their creativity to come up with vivid descriptions, learning how to make their writing more detailed and interesting. They really enjoyed exploring the different ways to describe a character.
On Wednesday, we had a special treat when we made pasties in celebration of St Piran's Day. With the help of Ginsters, the children got to roll up their sleeves and try their hand at making this traditional Cornish dish. The pasties were delicious, and it was a fun and educational way to learn about Cornish culture and traditions.
It has truly been a week full of fun, learning, and celebration, and we can’t wait to see what next week brings!
Posted 06/03/2025
by Julie Peat
This week at nursery we have been continuing to explore farms and where our food comes from.
The children have been busy creating collage carrots and handprint corn on the cob. We have been talking about different foods that can be grown and about what foods the children enjoy to eat.
At storytime we have been reading books such as "Farmer duck" and "Vegetable glue" and in phonics the children have been playing "I spy" where they have had to identify different animals from their initial sound. They have also been using their bodies to create different movements of animals and making and matching sounds as well as beginning to match rhyming words together.
It has been a busy week:
On Tuesday we had pancake day. The children had pancakes with different fruit toppings for snack and we played pancake races outside.
On Wednesday we celebrated ST Piran's day. The children made flags to take home and there was the option for pasties for school dinner.
On Thursday it was World Book Day. The children came in dressed up as their favourite book character. They all looked amazing and we had a great day of sharing our favourite stories and making footprint book marks.
We have introduced "Travis the T-Rex" to the children this week. Travis will be taking it in turns to go home with the children and is looking forward to many exciting adventures. Children are encouraged to draw a picture in the book and any pictures can be emailed to Julie.
Have a great weekend, see you on Monday
The Nursery Team
Posted 05/03/2025
by Cathrine Pittas
Lots to celebrate.
This week, we have learned about the origins of Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday in addition to learning about and celebrating our patron saint St Piran on St Piran's Day.
It was lovely to welcome our parents and friends into our class. Together, we joined in with a range of activities linked to St Piran.
With World Book Day coming around once more, don't forget to spend your vouchers. Worth the usual £1 or a special addition WBD book!
Don't forget to also visit the Book Fair in the library before and after school. Plenty of goodies to be had by all.
Posted 05/03/2025
by Samantha Davies
Thank you to all those parents who were able to join us this afternoon and to the Cornish Patsy Loveeers for winning our Cornish quiz with a fantastic 28/34!! The children had a wonderful day singing as a school, creating our own Cornish flags with drawings that represent Cornwall for us, learning about who St Piran was and why we celebrate it as well as creating cards for our grown ups. I hope you've all been enjoying the Cornish sunshine and a reminder that tomorrow is World Book Day - don't forget our book fair which raises funds for the children!
Posted 05/03/2025
by Michele Spencer
Depending on what you read - some accounts of St Piran speak of a man who enjoyed being at the centre of the community. He was born in Ireland but was banished by the King of Munster across the Celtic Sea. He amazingly managed to survive and landed on the beautiful North Cornwall coast and made Cornwall his home. As we joined together as a community we celebrated that we have each made Cornwall our home - some of us born here, some of born elsewhere in England and some of us born elsewhere in the world. We are all welcome and have been lucky to make Cornwall our home and St Cleer our community. Thank you celebrating with us and Gool Peran Lowen to all!
Posted 04/03/2025
by Thomas Hazlewood
SPRING 2 in Year 5/6H
It has been so lovely to have some sunshine to start this half term. The children have settled back in brilliantly after half-term and we are enthusiastic to get stuck into our learning.
Our topics for this half term can be found in the overview that I have attached below. In addition to this you will find this half term’s Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRFs) to practice with your child. I have also included the Year 5 and Year 6 recommended reads and statutory spelling lists.
Our PE day has had to change to a THURSDAY – please remember that children should come into school in full PE kit.
We will endeavour to regularly update this blog to give you a flavour of what we have covered in class, and also pass on any important information. To help us with this, please make sure that all permissions are up to date on Arbor so that we can share images as soon as possible.
In preparation for the SATs in May – we have given Year 6 children access to ‘’ which has a range of videos, practice tasks and assessments for each area of the Maths and Grammar curriculum. If you have lost your child’s login then please do get in touch and we can send it to you.
In Upper Key Stage 2, it is important to support the children’s learning at home as much as possible. A reminder that our home learning expectations are:
Daily Reading (15 minutes) – recorded reading record to contribute to a Reading Karate reward
Times-tables and KIRF practice (20 minutes weekly) using TTRS and the KIRF sheets below
Spellings (20 minutes weekly)
Online learning – set on Atom Prime (logins will be stuck into children’s reading record)
As always, if you have any questions or concerns please do get in touch.
All the very best, Mr H and the Year 5/6 team
Posted 04/03/2025
by Andrew Smith
Exciting Learning in Our Class This Term!
This term has been packed with exciting learning opportunities across English, Geography, and PE. From exploring gripping stories to investigating the importance of our oceans and developing new sporting skills, pupils have been engaged, curious, and eager to learn.
English – The Mousehole Cat and The Great Storm
In English, we have been delving into the beautifully written and illustrated book The Mousehole Cat by Antonia Barber. This heartwarming tale, set in the Cornish fishing village of Mousehole, has provided us with a fantastic opportunity to develop our descriptive writing skills.
One of our main focuses has been using fronted adverbials to add variety and depth to our sentences. Pupils have practised structuring their writing with phrases such as With a deafening roar, the waves crashed against the harbour wall and Under the darkened sky, the wind howled through the village streets.
We have also explored figurative language, using similes, metaphors, and personification to describe the terrifying Great Storm that threatens Mousehole. Pupils have crafted vivid descriptions, bringing the storm to life with phrases like: The sea was an angry monster, thrashing and roaring in fury and Lightning split the sky like a jagged scar. We can’t wait to bring all these skills together in our final pieces of descriptive writing!
Geography – Why Oceans Matter
Our Geography unit this term is all about Why Oceans Matter. Pupils will explore:
The importance of oceans for climate, wildlife, and human life.
The role of coral reefs, learning how they provide habitats for marine life and protect coastlines.
The challenges of sea pollution, discussing plastic waste, oil spills, and the impact of human activity on marine ecosystems.
To bring our learning to life, we will end the unit with a field trip to Polzeath Beach, where pupils will carry out a beach debris survey. This hands-on experience will help us understand the effects of pollution and consider ways we can protect our oceans.
PE – Tennis
In PE, we have been developing our tennis skills with the help of Pro 20 coaches. Pupils have been learning essential techniques, including:
Correct grip and stance
Forehand and backhand shots
Controlled rallies and movement around the court
The sessions have been a fantastic way to build coordination, agility, and teamwork. Pupils are making great progress, and we are excited to see their skills improve throughout the term!
It’s been a fantastic start to the term, and we look forward to sharing more of our learning soon!
Posted 04/03/2025
by Andrew Smith
This week, 18 excited pupils from Blisland Primary School kicked off their first session at our brand-new after-school Skateboarding Club, held at TR7 Skatepark. With a rotation of 12 pupils attending each week over six weeks, this club promises to be an exciting opportunity for our young skaters to develop their skills and confidence on the board.
Under the expert guidance of our coach, Chaz, pupils began their skateboarding journey by learning the basics of foot positioning, ensuring they had a solid stance for balance and control. They then practised jumping onto the board with confidence before moving on to pushing and gliding smoothly across the skatepark. It was incredible to see how quickly they picked up these essential skills!
As the session progressed, some pupils even had the chance to take on the ramps, testing their bravery and coordination. Chaz was incredibly patient and inspiring, offering encouragement and support to help everyone feel comfortable and motivated. Whether complete beginners or those with some experience, every pupil made fantastic progress during their first lesson.
A huge thank you to the parents who helped with transport—your support makes opportunities like this possible! Keep an eye out for more updates as our young skaters continue their journey at TR7.
Posted 04/03/2025
by Laura Cole
Today we celebrated World Book Day. The children (and staff) all looked magnificent in their outfits. We have a host of activities planned for the day. With a preschool reading session, 'Duloe Speaks' competition and publishing work ready for our class books to be made.
Posted 03/03/2025
by Laura Cole
On Thursday 6th
March, to coincide with World Book Day, Preschool will be launching our new
book sharing scheme.
Families are invited to borrow
from a range of quality books that will be situated in our ‘loan box’ as you
enter Preschool.
We believe that reading sits at
the heart of our school curriculum, and we want to foster a life-long culture
of reading for pleasure.
On the day, each Preschool child will be given a Duloe Academy book bag along with a reading diary. These reading diaries can be used to record the children’s reading (please see attached ‘Reading Karate’ letter).
We would like to invite any
parents/carers who are available to come along to our playgroup session between
9am and 11am next Thursday (dressing up optional!), so we can share the
work we have been doing regarding reading and how you can support your child at
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