Class Blog for Test Class 1

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Week Ending 17.05.24 

Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy  |  Mousehole

These two boys impressed me with their achievement at the weekend. This week, we have continued to learn about explanation texts: ‘How animals have adapted to their habitats.’ In maths, we finished our Fractions unit and have started Mass and Capacity. We have enjoyed our art lessons where we have continued be inspired by Henri Rousseau’s jungle paintings and consequently have planned our own piece in his style. Thank you to those that came to support the Reading Café. I know some couldn’t make it or forgot so you are welcome to come to the year 5/6 one next month.


Week Ending 10th May 2024 

Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy  |  Seaton

Year 6 have been absolute troopers this week. They have successfully completed their final lessons of revision before the SATS begin on Monday. Everyone has focused, worked hard and had some fun along the way.

It’s not all been revision though. Aryton did a super job of leading this week’s Reading Assembly to the whole of Key Stage 2, the bowling team have started their journey towards world domination in the filed of lawn bowls and Mrs Williamson has been teaching Year 6 the finer points of rounders ready for several matches between Pendower and Seaton in the final few weeks of term.

We have also made a great start on our new topic ‘Why should we remember the Maya?’. Keep reading the blog for regular updates on our voyage of discovery into the Central America region that was home to this fascinating civilisation.

To finish off our week, we had a visit from Peter the Paramedic and his ambulance. We had a tour of this unique vehicle and the equipment carried within it. The children also had the opportunity to stretcher two of their classmates a short distance. This was a task involving teamwork and a lot of trust. Needless to say, they rose to the challenge admirably. We look forward to welcoming Peter back to Brunel in the coming weeks to deliver first aid training to the Year 6s.

Key information:

·       SATs begin on Monday 13th May and conclude on Thursday 16th May.

·       All Year 6s are encouraged to attend Breakfast Club on these days so they are in school and settled in advance of the tests. There is no charge for this facility.

·       For those children not going to Okehampton, a letter will be coming out next week detailing the activities they will be enjoying week commencing 20th May. Feel free to email Mrs Morris for more information or to discuss any queries you may have


Week Ending 10th May 2024 

Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy  |  Pendower

Year 6 have been absolute troopers this week. They have successfully completed their final lessons of revision before the SATS begin on Monday. Everyone has focused, worked hard and had some fun along the way.

It’s not all been revision though. Aryton did a super job of leading this week’s Reading Assembly to the whole of Key Stage 2, the bowling team have started their journey towards world domination in the filed of lawn bowls and Mrs Williamson has been teaching Year 6 the finer points of rounders ready for several matches between Pendower and Seaton in the final few weeks of term.

We have also made a great start on our new topic ‘Why should we remember the Maya?’. Keep reading the blog for regular updates on our voyage of discovery into the Central America region that was home to this fascinating civilisation.

To finish off our week, we had a visit from Peter the Paramedic and his ambulance. We had a tour of this unique vehicle and the equipment carried within it. The children also had the opportunity to stretcher two of their classmates a short distance. This was a task involving teamwork and a lot of trust. Needless to say, they rose to the challenge admirably. We look forward to welcoming Peter back to Brunel in the coming weeks to deliver first aid training to the Year 6s.

Key information:

·       SATs begin on Monday 13th May and conclude on Thursday 16th May.

·       All Year 6s are encouraged to attend Breakfast Club on these days so they are in school and settled in advance of the tests. There is no charge for this facility.

·       For those children not going to Okehampton, a letter will be coming out next week detailing the activities they will be enjoying week commencing 20th May. Feel free to email Mrs Morris for more information or to discuss any queries you may have

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Looe Primary Academy  |  Year 3

Dustbin Rounders Fun in the Sun
Friday 10th May

This afternoon we joined Year 4/5 for some Dustbin Rounders - the theme for our Physical Education during this half term is striking and fielding. We have been able to practice batting and fielding skills with a variety of balls and bats, it has been great to consider the best tactics to score the most runs for our team.

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Looe Primary Academy  |  Year 3

10th May 2024

As part of our science topic this half term, we have been learning about the growth of plants.

We have carried out an experiment to discover what conditions are needed to enable a seed to germinate and grow.

We placed our beans in a pot of soil and then put them into three different environments.

The beans that were put into the fridge did not grow at all !

The ones that were left to grow in a warm room were the most successful. We have planted our beans in the vegetable plot at school and each week we will be watching them grow. 


Penhallow 10th May 2024. 

Polperro Primary Academy  |  Penhallow

It has been a beautiful sunny week and we took every opportunity we could to take our learning outside in Penhallow this week!

In Maths, Reception are investigating shapes and exploring their properties. Year 1 have now completed their multiplication and division unit where we have been learning to count in 2s, 5s and 10s. We finished the unit considering how we can count more easily by grouping and sharing into equal groups. There are opportunities to practise this learning on TwinlGO! Learning to count in 2s, 5s and 10s is an important first step in multiplication, so any practice at home will help the children to succeed throughout their learning journey! (In 99 club too).

In English, we are preparing to write our final version of our fact file about minibeasts! We have learned so many amazing things about Ladybirds, Earthworms and Caterpillars! We move onto a lovely story next week where the children will explore writing speech and adding speech to a well known story about ladybirds!

PE has been super fun where we continue to learn all sorts of ball skills an Year 1s have learned the important role of a fielder and how to stop the ball and get it back quickly. We have also enjoyed getting into lots of different Yoga poses! The Reception children have learned about different rolls in Gymnastics.

We enjoyed a minibeast hunt on Tuesday where we discovered lots of different minibeasts. We learned that minibeasts are invertebrates and we now know that we can classify an insect by the number of legs it has, the children were surprised to learn that a spider is not an insect as it has more than six legs.

Well done to our 'People of the Week' this week who have shown excellent examples of our school values. Tommy, Lowen and Amelia. Well done!

Enjoy a lovely weekend and try to take any opportunity you can to enjoy one of your books, remember there are now three to pick from in your book bag! We thoroughly enjoyed a story under the den cover on Friday, I wonder where if you could find a favourite spot to read your favourite story. 

See you on Monday for another fantastic week!

Mrs Taylor, Mrs G, Miss Colton, Mrs Cullingford and Miss Hodge.


Week Ending Friday 10th May 2024 

Pelynt Primary Academy  |  PreSchool

What a gloriously sunny week in Pre-School, we have all thoroughly enjoyed the sunshine and plenty of time being outside to play.  

This week we have been reading the story of Jack and the Beanstalk, a timeless tale that inspires young children to be brave and have courage even when faced with obstacles! 

Several of the children were inspired to make their own castles using our wooden blocks, even turning them into castles for the animals to live in.  

We have decorated our own magic beans with paint and glitter for our art wall, and placed bean seeds and cotton wool in sandwich bags to see if they grow. We have stuck them to the window to allow as much sunlight as possible and will be watching them grow over the next few weeks to see whose gets the tallest! 

Some of our older children have done some excellent practice of writing their names, numbers and letters, we will be getting in as much practice as possible before their transition to reception in September. 

Wednesday afternoon you are invited to a 'Stay and Play' session at pre-school, please note the time is 2-3pm and is open to all current Pre-School families. You are welcome along if this is your child's normal session or not. It is an informal session for you as parents to engage in play with your child and their friends, and to see how they explore the pre-school environment. Any questions, please do come and speak to a member of the team. 

Please could we also ask for any outstanding ‘Big Brush Club’ consent forms to be handed in this week - Thank you.  

Finally, we hope that everyone enjoys the lovely warm weather over the weekend.  

The Pre-School Team  

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Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy  |  Whitsand

Homework - due 17.5.24 



Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy  |  Whitsand

w/e 10.5.24

This week we enjoyed a visit from a paramedic and ambulance. We learnt about the different bags carried in the ambulance which could be needed in different emergencies, tried out the different stretchers, looked inside and heard how loud that siren is! The children also had a chance to ask some questions. 

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Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy  |  Mousehole

Today we enjoyed a visit from a paramedic and ambulance. We learnt about the different bags carried in the ambulance which could be needed in different emergencies, looked inside and heard how loud that siren is! The children also had a chance to ask some questions.


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