This term, we are paying particular attention to different life cycles and engaging in the theme 'minibeasts'.
Our literacy is based around the author Eric Carle. We are having great fun with his books, engaging us in our topic in literacy, science, DT and art.
We are excited to have our caterpillars, which we hope will transform into beautiful butterflies. We have been on a minibeast hunt, and although we did not find any caterpillars outside, we found worms, centipedes, spiders, woodlice and beetles.
Our Design Technology, this term is also all about minibeasts. We are busy trying new techniques using levers and pivots so that we can then design and make our own minibeast moving picture.
Finally, we are going to be visiting a farm to continue investigating lifecycles. We are hoping to see some lambs and maybe baby chicks.
All of the children in Year 2 had a fabulous time swimming at Tenkreek. It was a brilliant start to the the second half of the Spring Term. The children really grew in confidence and it was wonderful to see how much their swimming developed across the week.
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Week 2 of swimming and everyone is already making progress in terms of confidence and stroke technique. It is great to see independence growing and the pride and importance the children attach to making the most of their learning in the pool. It is particularly important for them to gain confidence around water as this supports their continued learning with watersports in summer term. Last year, we saw the children transfer their knowledge of water safety from the pool to the open water and I am certain this will be the same again this year.
On Friday, we had most of the class attending the Girls’ football tournament in Bodmin so the remainder of the class had the opportunity to start Science Week early and experiment with scientific processes. They made some fantastic colour patterns, made water travel and created an airshow with ping pong balls.
PE is swimming on Wednesday and OAA on Thursday.
We also have Tag Rugby at Looe on Wednesday afternoon.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mr Twaite and Mrs Wills
We have had another busy week!
English – Poems from the past - This week, we finished writing our Stone Age poems and turned to celebrating the end of WWII by writing VE80 poems for a local competition!
Maths – Year 4 have continued using Peri the snail to help them learn about perimeter and Year 3 have been continuing their work on multiplication and division.
History – When did the Romans come to Britain and why? We used our Historian skills to set up a timeline of events and discussed why the Romans came over to little ole Blighty!
RE – Cornish Folktales - This week, we learned the strange and interesting story of St Piran - it tied in brilliantly with it being St Pirans day and Talland class's assembly all about St Piran, too! We loved watching the Furry Dance!
Science - More Shadows! We had great fun creating shadow puppets, learning about how to change the shape and size of shadows.
Thank you for your continued support!
We have had another busy week!
English – Poems from the past - This week, we finished writing our Stone Age poems and turned to celebrating the end of WWII by writing VE80 poems for a local competition!
Maths – Year 4 have continued using Peri the snail to help them learn about perimeter and Year 3 have been continuing their work on multiplication and division.
History – When did the Romans come to Britain and why? We used our Historian skills to set up a timeline of events and discussed why the Romans came over to little ole Blighty!
RE – Cornish Folktales - This week, we learned the strange and interesting story of St Piran - it tied in brilliantly with it being St Pirans day and Talland class's assembly all about St Piran, too! We loved watching the Furry Dance!
Science - More Shadows! We had great fun creating shadow puppets, learning about how to change the shape and size of shadows.
Thank you for your continued support!
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The busiest of weeks there ever was!
Wow! We have covered a lot this week, with us enjoying pancakes on Shrove Tuesday, St Piran’s Day celebrations and a service at Church on Wednesday, then World Book Day and dressing up on Thursday. Also throwing in some traditional tales with our story of the week ‘The Princess and the Pea’. I really don’t think we could have fit any more in!
It has been an exciting week of learning and activities for all the children to enjoy whatever day/s they have been in pre-school.
A favourite activity this week has been creating their own Prince and Princess portraits, adorned with jewel encrusted gold crowns! We will be sure to share a picture when they are all on display. We think they look fabulous!
One display that has been finished is our Elmer the Elephant – Beautifully showing off all the painted patchwork squares the children painted. It has been a great topic of conversation sat around the snack/lunch table to talk colours and what we can mix to make other colours.
Outside we have been able to enjoy some garden time, and we spotted our first daffodil has sprung!. A lovely pop of yellow that led us to thinking about what seeds we may plant this year to enjoy nurturing and growing.
Since returning after half term, we have been focusing on number sequencing and recognition. Identifying numbers by the way they look, their names, and matching them to their representative quantities. The children are all accessing this learning through play, adult led activities and number related books and songs.
We hope everyone enjoys the weekend and we look forward to seeing everyone next week.
The Pre-School Team.
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We have had a lot of celebrations this week: Pancake day, St Piran's Day and World Book Day, but our favourite is always Pancake day as we love to eat pancakes!
Ruth managed to toss them all carefully without dropping any and then we ate them for snack along with some fruit.
There was a choice of lemon and sugar, or syrup; which is your favourite?
During Talland's art session, the children used a space scene prompt to record their observations these included curved lines, pyramids, triangles, spheres and so on. From this, they used their observations to expand on the prompt with their own ideas and creations.
The children have furthered their knowledge and understanding of fractions and are now able to confidently multiply a fraction by a whole number, for instance:
With increased understanding of figurative language, the children have been able to create their own rhyming poems to describe Spring in Cornwall. Some of the phrases used by the children were effective and inspiring, for example:
- There were a million smiles.
- Golden yellow daffodils,
Sat on top of green hills....
Best wishes, Mrs Swabey, Mr Parry, Mrs Walters and Mrs Payne.
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We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.
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We are the best we can be.
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