Class Blog for Test Class 1

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Gool Peran Lowen 

Looe Primary Academy  |  Year 5

Wednesday 5th March 2025

Thank you to all those parents who were able to join us this afternoon and to the Cornish Patsy Loveeers for winning our Cornish quiz with a fantastic 28/34!! The children had a wonderful day singing as a school, creating our own Cornish flags with drawings that represent Cornwall for us, learning about who St Piran was and why we celebrate it as well as creating cards for our grown ups. I hope you've all been enjoying the Cornish sunshine and a reminder that tomorrow is World Book Day - don't forget our book fair which raises funds for the children!


Information for a new half term 

St Cleer Primary Academy  |  Year 5/6 H

Information for a new half term

 SPRING 2 in Year 5/6H

It has been so lovely to have some sunshine to start this half term. The children have settled back in brilliantly after half-term and we are enthusiastic to get stuck into our learning.


Our topics for this half term can be found in the overview that I have attached below. In addition to this you will find this half term’s Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRFs) to practice with your child. I have also included the Year 5 and Year 6 recommended reads and statutory spelling lists.


Our PE day has had to change to a THURSDAY – please remember that children should come into school in full PE kit.


We will endeavour to regularly update this blog to give you a flavour of what we have covered in class, and also pass on any important information. To help us with this, please make sure that all permissions are up to date on Arbor so that we can share images as soon as possible.


In preparation for the SATs in May – we have given Year 6 children access to ‘’ which has a range of videos, practice tasks and assessments for each area of the Maths and Grammar curriculum. If you have lost your child’s login then please do get in touch and we can send it to you.


In Upper Key Stage 2, it is important to support the children’s learning at home as much as possible. A reminder that our home learning expectations are:

Daily Reading (15 minutes) – recorded reading record to contribute to a Reading Karate reward

Times-tables and KIRF practice (20 minutes weekly) using TTRS and the KIRF sheets below

Spellings (20 minutes weekly)

Online learning – set on Atom Prime (logins will be stuck into children’s reading record)

As always, if you have any questions or concerns please do get in touch. All the very best, Mr H and the Year 5/6 team .

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Week Ending Friday 28th February 2025 

Pelynt Primary Academy  |  PreSchool

We have had a lovely first week back in pre-school for the beginning of Spring Term 2. 

The start of our fairy tale topic has been met with lots of enthusiasm from the children and has inspired lots of magical and mythical play. 

Our focus story this week has been ‘Jack and the Beanstalk, the children have enjoyed the story and used the character puppets during their own play to re tell the story. We have also created our own beanstalk and castle artwork. 

We have practised our counting and number recognition with magic beans and used playdoh to make golden eggs and golden coins.  

Inside our role play castle, the children have enjoyed sharing lots of different fairy tale books and talking about some of the traditional tales that they know.  

This week has seen some early sunny spring weather, which has enabled lots of learning and play outside.  We even worked on our gross motor skills by taking a visit to the school tyre park.  The children all enjoyed practicing their balancing and climbing in a different area and we will be sure to visit regularly.  

Next week sees us enjoy some important dates for our diary - 

Tuesday 4th March – Shrove Tuesday.  We will enjoy tasting some pancakes during our snack time and talk about why we have pancake day. 

Wednesday 5th March – St Pirans Day. Optional to dress in black and white clothes.  We will attend St Pirans Day Service at the church at 2.30pm. 

Thursday 6th March – World Book Day. Optional to dress as a favourite character or in pyjamas. Please be mindful that your child will still be playing and enjoying normal pre-school activities in these costumes, so nothing too precious please!  Children can also bring in a favourite book if they wishplease add their name to it.  We will try and share as many as possible during the day.  

Next week looks to be busy but lots of fun, we hope everyone enjoys the weekend. 

The Pre-School Team.  

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New story 

Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy  |  Issys Nursery

For our Nursery visit to St Anne's this week we took our new story to share with them.

Our story is 'Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see?' - the children enjoyed sharing it with the Grannies and the Grannies were happy to help with our activity of colouring some pictures of the characters from the story.
We even found a song version on Youtube which we sang along to.

The children always enjoy their special treat of a biscuit and drink at St Anne's and love going to visit them.

As we delve into our new story we shall be looking at the different animals, the colour of their fur, feathers or skin; the habitats that the animals live in and where we would see these animals ourselves.
We will also be learning about our senses and exploring how we use them.


Week ending 28.02.25 

Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy  |  Lantic Y1 Y2

At last the sun starts shining!

Welcome back to the Spring 2 Term.  See attached the knowledge webs for Year 1 and 2 - you can look over what we will be learning this term.  Our 'Big Question' in Geography this term is 'What is the weather like in the UK?' 

This week we have started learning how to write weather forecasts in our English lessons.  Math's, the Year 2's have started to learn about multiplication (we've already been learning our 2 times tables).

For our geography knowledge harvest, we came up with questions we want to answer about the weather.

Art on Friday we investigated making secondary colours out of primary colours - we had great fun!

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Week ending 28th February 2025 

Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy  |  Talland Y5

Making Banknotes

The children have had an interesting week adding their own pictures to a £10 note. This is part of the this half term's focus on 'Who should feature on a £10 banknote?' They have already researched features of banknotes and now recognise a couple of significant people who feature on them: Jane Austen and Winston Churchill, for example, The study now will investigate other significant figures within British history and, by the end of the half term, the children will be able to make an informed choice who they believe should feature on a British banknote and give reasons for their decision.

During this week, the children have consolidated their knowledge of multiplication and division. They have been given the opportunity to use their knowledge of short division and column method multiplication and applied this to solve simple word problems.

The children have learned to recite the William Wordsworth poem, I wandered lonely as a cloud. They then researched several features of the poem: personification, rhyming couplets and rhythm, for instance. They then started to write their own poem using a similar style to William Wordsworth.

Best wishes, Mrs Swabey, Mr Parry, Mrs Walters and Mrs Payne.


Week ending 28.02.25 

Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy  |  Marazion Y3 Y4

The Archie Project Assembly


We have had a fantastic first week back after the half-term break, and the children have settled brilliantly into their learning. Here’s a look at what we’ve been up to:

English – Poetic Creations
This week, we have been exploring poetry, focusing on rhyme and rhythm. The children have planned and started writing their own poems, showcasing their creativity and developing their writing skills in exciting ways.

Maths – Building Skills and Understanding

  • Year 4 have started learning about area and perimeter, tackling different challenges to deepen their understanding of these important concepts.

  • Year 3 have been continuing their work on multiplication, building confidence and fluency in their number skills.

History – Discovering the Romans
We began our new topic on the Romans by looking at their impressive buildings and monuments. The children were fascinated by Roman architecture and are eager to learn more about this incredible civilization.

RE – Cornish Folktales
In RE, we have started to explore Cornish folktales, uncovering the rich traditions and storytelling heritage of our local area.

PE – Throwing and Catching
This week in PE, we focused on improving our throwing and catching skills. The children enjoyed various activities designed to develop their coordination and teamwork.

The Archie Project – Understanding Dementia
We had an engaging assembly about dementia as part of the Archie Project. The children learned about different types of dementia and how to interact with people who have it. These valuable skills will be put to use when we visit the residents of St Anne’s care home.

It has been a great start to the half-term, and we are looking forward to all the exciting learning ahead. Thank you for your continued support.

Best wishes,
The Marazion Class Team

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Spring 2 

St Cleer Primary Academy  |  Year 5/6 MG

Welcome back for Spring 2

We hope you've all had a lovely half term break. It's wonderful to see the pupils so engaged with their learning on their return to school - and with the sun shining too!


Our topics for this half term can be found in the overview that I have attached below. In addition to this you will find this half term’s Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRFs) to practice with your child. I have also included the Year 5 and Year 6 recommended reads and statutory spelling lists.

This week we've launched our Learning Adventure with orienteering in the school grounds to provide the pupils with an engaging learning opportunity to enable them to build on this knowledge during the term.


PE continues to be on a Tuesday afternoon and pupils can wear their PE kits to school on these days.


In Upper Key Stage 2, it is important to support the children’s learning at home as much as possible. A reminder that our home learning expectations are:
Daily Reading (15 minutes) – recorded reading record to contribute to a Reading Karate reward
Times-tables and KIRF practice (20 minutes weekly) using TTRS and the KIRF sheets below
Spellings (20 minutes weekly)

In preparation for the SATs in May – we have given Year 6 children access to ‘’ which has a range of videos, practice tasks and assessments for each area of the Maths and Grammar curriculum. If you have lost your child’s login then please do get in touch and we can send it to you. Year 6 pupils and their parents or careers will have received additional information regarding supporting learning at home in the lead-up to assessments in May.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns please do get in touch.

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Copper valley Junior Academy  |  Year 4

February 2025

This month in Year 4 we have finished off all of our Spring Term One units of learning. In English we completed a non-fiction unit on Tutankhamun where we wrote newspaper articles from when Howard Carter discovered the tomb of Tutankhamun in 1922. We started by recapping the features of a newspaper and looking at some examples before recapping what we knew about the tombs discovery. 

In History, we completed work to answer our topic question; "Who was Tutankhamun and how did his life compare to mine as a nine year old?" the children found this fascinating and enjoyed comparing their life to that of Tutankhamun when he was the same age as them. They discovered just how different his life was and how he had so many more responsibilities than them. They also looked at all of the factors that contributed to these differences. 

In Science, we completed our unit on animals including humans by carrying out an experiment which involved us leaving six eggs in different liquids to test how different liquids can effect the enamel on our teeth. We recapped how to conduct a fair test and carried out lots of discussions around our experiment. 

In PE, the children finished their Gymnastics unit by showing contrasting shapes, actions and travelling movements within their sequences and showing different levels in their sequences.

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Looe Primary Academy  |  Year 2

Special Events in Year 2 
Spring 1

Religious Education:
This week we had a visit from our local vicar Ben Morgan Lundie to talk to the children about our Religious Education topic which has been all about the good news that Jesus brings. We were able to share what we had already been learning about and we asked lots of questions. The children could recall the story of Matthew and were able to remember why he was chosen by Jesus to be one of the disciples. Ben then told us another story about some of the other disciples. After half term we will be finding out all about the Easter story and how this is celebrated in Church.

Farm and Country Visit:
The children all enjoyed our visit all about where our foods come from. This linked to our science topic this term which has covered food chains. So many of the foods we eat come from local farms but we were also surprised to learn that many foods are grown and then transported across the world.

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