Class Blog for Test Class 1

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The Great Fire of London 

Trenode C of E Primary Academy  |  Kilminorth

Our new enquiry question is 'Was the Great Fire of London really that great?'.

We have become historians understanding the key event which happened in London in 1666. The class have loved learning about this and in 2 weeks can already impart so much knowledge where they have even applied it within their writing in both English and the curriculum. 

We are going to be linking this in our DT next where we are going to create Tudor houses before recreating the Great Fire ourselves with help from the local fire service.

We have a trip planned to the fire station this half term (date to be confirmed) where we will look at how fire safety has changed from 1666 to now.


PE is on Thursday so please ensure kit is in on this day.
Reading records are also to come in on Thursday ready to be changed over for the following week.


Week Ending 26th April 2024 

Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy  |  Seaton

We have reached the end of our latest topic, ‘What’s so special about clouds’. We have focussed on a range of themes including erosion, human impact on the coast, how clouds are formed, their influence on the weather and how to read maps. We finished this week by completing some personal research into questions we still had on the topic. We recorded our findings in our books and on a few clouds too! 


Week Ending 26th April 2024 

Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy  |  Pendower

We have reached the end of our latest topic, ‘What’s so special about clouds’. We have focussed on a range of themes including erosion, human impact on the coast, how clouds are formed, their influence on the weather and how to read maps. We finished this week by completing some personal research into questions we still had on the topic. We recorded our findings in our books and on a few clouds too! 


Week Ending Friday 26th April 

Polruan Primary Academy  |  Canute

Week Ending Friday 26th April

Exploring Nature's Classroom: A Trip to Nancarrow Farm This week in Canute, the children embarked on a delightful journey to Nancarrow Farm, nestled amidst the rolling countryside. It was a day brimming with discovery, learning, and a touch of farmyard magic.

The children, as always, showcased impeccable behaviour, their excitement palpable as they ventured into the heart of the farm. They had the opportunity to connect with nature firsthand, immersing themselves in the rhythms of rural life. From tenderly stroking newborn lambs to carefully gathering freshly laid chicken eggs, every moment was filled with wonder.

Amidst the buzzing of busy bees in their hives, our young explorers learned about the vital role these pollinators play in our ecosystem. They even got their hands dirty, planting seeds with hopes of nurturing new life back at home—a tangible reminder of the cycle of growth and renewal.

As we strolled through the verdant vegetable patches and bountiful orchards, our senses were treated to the vibrant colors and fragrances of the season. And what better way to appreciate nature's bounty than by indulging in some freshly harvested delights? The children savored the taste of farm-fresh food, a true farm-to-table experience that left them with a deeper appreciation for where their food comes from.

In English this week the children continued their journey into the enchanting world of storytelling, crafting sentences for the timeless fairy tale, "Little Red Riding Hood." Meanwhile, in Reception Drawing Club, the children used their imagination to draw and write sentences about the Poddington Peas.

In maths, each year group delved into a world of numbers uniquely suited to their level. Reception explored the concept of doubles and delved into the world of odds and evens. Year 1 ventured into the realm of multiplication, mastering the art of repeated addition. And Year 2 students stretched their mathematical muscles as they tackled the concept of length, measuring and comparing objects with precision.

Of course, amidst all this learning, we couldn't resist the call of the great outdoors, especially with the sun shining brightly overhead. Our students revelled in the freedom of learning outside, soaking up the warmth and vitality of the natural world.

As we bid farewell to another enriching week, we wish you all a restful and rejuvenating weekend. We look forward to what next week bring but, keep exploring, keep learning, and keep embracing the wonders that surround us.

Mrs Fernie, Mrs Westacott, Miss Taylor, Miss Talbot



Polperro Primary Academy  |  Penhallow

Penhallow Class Blog: 26th April 2024.

It has been another week of fun in Penhallow where we have learned lots of wonderful things along the way!

We started the week by celebrating World Earth Day, we have been working hard to pick up any litter we see around the school grounds in a step to look after our planet!

In Science, we looked at different animals and the characteristics that made them what they are. We worked with a partner to describe our animals to see if our partner could guess which animal we were trying to describe by it's key characteristics.

In English this week, we have been looking at the difference between fiction and non-fiction books about animals. This is in preparation to write a non-chronological report (a fact file) about a chosen mini beast! I can't wait to find out more about the mini beasts the children choose to write facts on.

Maths has been an adventure for Reception this week who are counting to 20 and beyond. The Year 1s have been counting in 2s and 10s to start their multiplication topic. In 99 club, the children tried brilliantly to answer their questions in 10 minutes.

PE was great fun this week where on Wednesday we worked on our underarm throws. We enjoyed a mindful Yoga session on Friday afternoon which we really enjoyed and stretched all of our muscles. We found the spider pose particularly tricky!

We enjoyed an afternoon of coding with some fantastic 'mousebots' on Thursday. We learned that robots could hold a place in our future job and we showed that we are going to be experts if we ever need to programme a robot in our future roles.

In PSHE, we discussed: What made a good friend? We were able to tell each other what we thought made up a fantastic friend and also the importance of being a good friend ourselves.

Well done to our 'People of the Week' April, Jemima, Max and Iylah were picked for showing great examples of being 'Excellent'. This is one of our school values and our focus this half term. 

Please find attached this half term's knowledge web, where you will be able to see what amazing learning we will be covering over the next few weeks. You will also find copies of this half term's KIRFs. The KIRFs are our Key Instant Recall Facts that children should learn to recall instantly, more information is on the cover letter from our maths lead to explain why these are such an important part of your child's learning.

TwinklGO! codes have now been updated, an email with the updated codes has been sent to you all. They are:

Reception Phonics: AD7803
Reception Maths: NG4763
Year 1 Phonics: EF0215
Year 1 Maths: QX4721

It is World Veterinary Day on Saturday, perhaps you could enjoy reading the story Jet the Vet and answer the questions together afterwards.

We hope you all enjoy a lovely weekend!

Keep up with your amazing reading and remember to head onto TwinklGO! for some more fun learning opportunities.

Mrs Taylor, Mrs G, Miss Colton, Mrs C and Miss Hodge.

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Week Ending Friday 26th April 2024 

Pelynt Primary Academy  |  PreSchool

A wonderful week of special celebrations! 

With Monday (April 22nd) being the annual date that we celebrate our remarkable planet with Earth Day, we decided to continue this theme throughout the week so that all the children could access some learning and activities that help them to understand how important it is to protect and care for our planet and the different ways we can do that working together.  

The children were already aware of some the things that we do to help protect planet Earth and all it's living things. They told us it is really important to not drop litter, especially into the ocean as the fish sometimes mistake it for food and will eat it, making them poorly! They were also able to tell us some of the things that we can recycle to be used again, and how we must not waste water.

One of our hands on activities this week has been to make wildflower seed bombs. We learned that not only do wild flowers look pretty, but they are very important for the wildlife, including our special bumblebees. They have been planted into our garden areas and hopefully we may see some beautiful flowers popping up where there wasn't any before! 
We have also celebrated our cress heads growing. The children could not believe how quickly their ‘green hair’ has sprouted!
 We may need some patience for our other planted seeds.

This week we have also celebrate ‘St George’s Day’. The children were shown a picture of Saint George and asked who he may be, and what was he wearing?  The children said he could be a knight as he had a sword and shield.  We listened to a story explaining that Saint George was a soldier who lived hundreds of years ago, who liked to help and protect people. Saint George rescued a royal princess from a fierce dragon and England adopted him as a patron saint. We then discussed what the words ‘protect’ and ‘fierce’ mean. We talked about St George’s flag and painted our own using our fingers to paint the red cross. 

In other news a letter will be sent home to give information about the ‘Big Brush Club’ we will be taking part in here at Pre-School. It’s an NHS funded scheme to improve oral wellbeing in children. You can visit for more information. If you have any questions, then please do come and speak to us at Pre-School.   

Lastly, with weather still being very unsettled, even on those sunny days it is very chilly. Please could we ask that your child still comes in with suitable clothing (layers are good) even if it looks sunny and warm. Also, that they wear shoes with their toes covered. We thank you for your understanding on this.  

Next week we look forward to our book ‘Sam Plants a Sunflower and will be planting our own sunflower seeds too! 

Have a lovely weekend, 

The Pre-School Team.  


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Looe Primary Academy  |  Year 3

Ancient Egyptian Showcase 
26th April 2024

It has been a fabulous start to the Summer Term, we had an excellent Ancient Egyptian Showcase last week. It was great to share with the families the work that the children had achieved in the Spring Term. The children performed some wonderful songs with Year 4 and 4/5 and then shared some of their learning with their families back in the classroom. We have been so proud of the knowledge that the children have retained and they have really shown a lot of enthusiasm and curiosity during this topic.

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Looe Primary Academy  |  Year 4

This week Year 4 have been fulfilling the PE curriculum by taking swimming lessons. They have had an amazing time each afternoon.

They have shown great determination and resilience as they have all endeavoured to improve themselves. It has been fantastic to see so many children progress and everyone can be pleased and proud of themselves.

It was so good to see parents come to our sporting event last Friday.  Thank you so much for the continued support you have for the children.  So many of the children have said how much they appreciated doing sports they had never tried before. 

Have a well-earned rest over the weekend everyone.

Miss Pittas


Week ending 26.04.24 

Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy  |  Lantic

We are growing...

We learnt some more about plants.  We looked at the stages of growth and then we acted out the parts.  Can you spot the different parts of plants growth?

In English, we wrote out class version of the 'Christopher Nibble' story - ours was called 'Rosie Nibble'.  Perhaps you could ask your child about the story they wrote.

Music to our ears...

This week in music, Mrs Butlin taught the class how to write musical notes - Quavers and Crotchets (quick and slow notes).

DT - We have been investigating how wheels and axels work before we design our tractors...



Looe Primary Academy  |  Year 5/6

Welcome back!

Welcome back to our Summer term, let's hope the weather improves as we begin rounders and athletics PE on Wednesday and Fridays - don't forget the children are able to wear their PE kits on these days  - on the field if the weather is fine. This term our big question is 'What do we need to be an Olympian?' with a focus on the Ancient Greeks, our circulatory system, healthy eating and some great art and DT planned we are excited to teach the children some key myths and legends and investigate the Greek Gods and Goddesses.

Our new term kicked off with a wonderful event on Friday 19th April with our alternative sports day and it was lovely to see so many of you going out of your comfort zone in street surfing and Segway. I managed to catch a few photos of some of you and it was wonderful to see how supportive you were of each other.

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